Simply Delicious Plant Based Non GMO Kosher Gluten Free Dairy Free Soy Free Grain Free 15 Servings Drink Mix Powder Daily Whole Food Shake One Scoop. Stir. Superhero 10 g Protein 1/2 Cup Leafy Greens 1 Billion CFU’s Probiotics USDA Organic Organic is Non GMO & More Kidz Superfood Protein + Probiotics This guilt-free nutritional shake is crafted with a rainbow or organic greens, fruits and vegetables, nurturing plant protein and 1 billion CFU probiotics – all in a single, outrageously delicious scoop! Whether used with milk for a healthy flavored drink, as a snack on-the-go or to simply add more whole food nutrition to a meal, kidz superfood protein + probiotics has you covered so the whole family can feel amazing every day!
Rainbow Fruits & Veggies
Barely Grass Banana Sweet Potato Blueberry
Wheat Grass Pineapple Raspberry Broccoli
Beet Carrot Acai Spinach – Farm Family Roots – We organically grow & harvest the most nutrient-rich greens on our family farm in Kansas & craft them with the highest quality plant-based ingredients curated from like-minded farmers around the world.Honestly Grown. Thoughtfully Harvested. Simply Enjoyed.
For kids 4+, add one scoop to 6 fl oz. or more of milk or smoothie. Stir: Add one scoop to milk alternative for a healthy flavored drink. Blend: Craft a smoothie for a on-the-go snack with one scoop and your choice of ingredients. Bake: Add one scoop to your kid’s favorite meal for added whole-food nutrition.
有機エンドウ豆タンパク質、有機ココナッツシュガー、有機グリーンブレンド(大麦草、小麦草、アルファルファ)、天然香料、有機ビートジュースの粉末、有機アカシアゴム、有機ステビア、バチルス・コアギュランスGBI-30 6086(プロバイオティクス)、有機バナナ、有機パイナップル、有機ニンジン、有機サツマイモ、有機ラズベリー、有機アサイ、有機ブルーベリー、有機ブロッコリー、有機ほうれん草。
Best kept frozen, refrigerated or in a cool, dry place after opening.Not to be used as infant or toddler formula. Please consult pediatrician prior to use.
補足の事実 サービングのサイズ: 1スクープ(17 g) 容器ごとのサービング:について15 1回あたりの金額: デイリーバリュー* カロリー 70 総脂質 1.5 2% 飽和脂肪 0 g 0% トランス脂肪 0 g コレステロール 0 mg 0% ナトリウム 180 mg 8% 総炭水化物 5 g 2% 食物繊維 1g 4% 総糖 2 g 2gの砂糖が含まれています 4% タンパク質 10g 17% ビタミンA 16 mcg 2% ビタミンK 30 mcg 25% ビタミンD 0 mcg 0% カルシウム 20 mg 2% 鉄 3.0 mg 15% カリウム 130 mg 2% *%Daily Value(DV)は、一食分の栄養素が毎日の食事にどれだけ寄与しているかを示します。