To Your Good Health – Bob Moore Gluten Free Kosher PareveDear Friends,Since starting this company over thirty years ago, our mission has always been to offer the most diverse array of stone ground, whole grain products. About ten years ago, we noticed that some folks were exclusively buying gluten free grains like brown rice, sorghum and quinoa. Soon after that, we learned all about the gluten free diet and how important it is to millions of people like you.Over the years we have introduced a variety of measures to ensure purity in our line of gluten free products that have become industry standard. We inspect all farm deliveries, use dedicated gluten free production facilities and employ batch testing in our quality control laboratory. Knowing that we’re providing safe and delicious gluten free foods that you and your family can trust makes it all worth the effort.To your good health,Bob MooreBob’s Red Mill products labeled Gluten Free are batch tested in our quality control laboratory. We use an ELISA Gluten Assay test to confirm that a product is gluten free.
What you’ll need: 1 package Bob’s Red Mill Gluten Free Chocolate Cake Mix 2 eggs, lightly beaten 2/3 cup milk 1/3 cup vegetable oil 2/3 cup boiling waterStep 1Preheat oven to 350ºF. Grease and flour two 8-inch round cake pans.Step 2Pour cake mix into a mixing bowl. Make a well in the center and pour in eggs, milk, and oil. Stir until well combined. Add boiling water and stir to mix. Pour batter into pans.Step 3Bake for 25-30 minutes, until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Cool in pans for 10 minutes. Move to wire racks to cool completely before frosting.Makes one 8-inch layer cake.
砂糖、グルテンフリーフラワーブレンド(甘白米粉、玄米粉、馬鈴薯澱粉、全粒ソルガム粉、タピオカ粉、キサンタンガム)、ココアパウダー、ベーキングパウダー(ピロリン酸ナトリウム酸、重炭酸ナトリウム、コーンスターチ、リン酸一カルシウム) 、ベーキングソーダ、海塩、天然バニラパウダー(砂糖、コーンスターチ、バニラエキス)。
Store in a cool, dry place to preserve freshness.
補足事実 1回分のサイズ: 1 / 16pkg(28gミックス) コンテナ当たりの摂取量:約16 サービングあたりの金額: ミックス 焼きました カロリー 110 160 脂肪からのカロリー 5 50 日次価値** 総脂質 0 g * 1% 11% 飽和脂肪 0 g 0% 21% トランス脂肪 0 g コレステロール 0 mg 0% 13% ナトリウム 230 mg 4% 4% 総炭水化物 25g 8% 8% 食物繊維 1g 8% 8% 糖 15g タンパク質 1g ビタミンA 0% 2% ビタミンC 0% 0% カルシウム 0% 2% 鉄 8% 8% *混合量。
カロリー: 2,000 2,500 総脂質未満 65g 80g サットファット未満 20g 25g コレステロール未満 300 mg 300 mg ナトリウム未満 2,400 mg 2,400 mg カリウム 3,500 mg 3,500 mg 総炭水化物。
300グラム 375 g 食物繊維 25g 30 g