Healthy Times, オーガニック、玄米シリアル、4ヶ月以上、5 oz (142 g)




Trusted by Moms Since 1980 Dairy Free Soy Free Vegan Delicious Homemade Taste Kosher Non GMO Project Verified USDA Organic Certified Organic by Oregon TilthWelcome to the wonderful world of parenthood and to the world of Healthy Times! We know you want the best for your child, which is why our baby foods are healthy, free of synthetic preservatives and additives, made with organic ingredients, and formulated to be gentle on little tummies.A Heritage of CaringWith limited choices for healthy baby food in grocery stores in the 1980s, Healthy Times was founded by a young mom from sunny California who decided to take matters into her own hands and create her own line of organic baby food. Today, we continue to provide wholesome products, made in the U.S., to build a solid nutritional foundation for early childhood growth.


Easy To Mix Directions:For Baby’s First Feeding – Mix 1 Tbsp. of cereal with 4 Tbsp. of water, breast milk, or organic infant formula.Recommended Serving – Mix 1/4 cup (14 g) of cereal with 1/4 cup [60 ml] water, organic milk, or organic juice.Serving size and consistency will vary based on baby’s needs.Serve as is or warm. Discard any uneaten cereal.Microwave: Mix 1/4 cup (14 g) of cereal with 1/4 cup (60 ml) unheated liquid. Warm at Medium [50% power] for 15-25 seconds. Stir to even out the cereal’s temperature Test temperature before feeding.


有機全粒玄米粉、リン酸カルシウム、電解鉄、硫酸亜鉛、ナイアシンアミド、D-α-トコフェロールアセテート(ビタミンE)、D-パントテン酸カルシウム、ビタミンB 12、ビタミンD 3、葉酸、チアミン一硝酸(ビタミンB1) )、リボフラビン(ビタミンB2)、ピリドキシン塩酸塩(ビタミンB6) 。


Note: Breast milk should not be microwaved as it can break down the composition.Important: Keep in a cool, dry place. Use within 30 days of opening package.


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補足の事実 サービングのサイズ: 1/4カップ(14g) 容器ごとのサービング:について10 1回あたりの量 デイリーバリュー% 幼児<1 デイリーバリュー% 1〜4歳の子供 カロリー 50 総脂質 0.5 g トランス脂肪 0 g ナトリウム 0 mg カリウム 35 mg 総炭水化物 12 g 食物繊維 0 g 砂糖 2 g タンパク質 1g 0% 0% ビタミンA 0% 0% ビタミンC 0% 0% カルシウム 20% 15% 鉄 55% 80% ビタミンD 15% 15% ビタミンE 35% 20% チアミン 35% 25% リボフラビン 35% 25% ナイアシン 35% 30% ビタミンB6 30% 20% 葉酸 45% 20% ビタミンB 12 35% 25% パントテン酸 35% 20% 亜鉛 20% 10%


重さ 0.22 kg
サイズ 20.8 cm


