Every Workout Ends with Dark Matter! Clinically Tested EAA Complex 6 g EAAs 5 g Creatine Blend Triggers a 360% Increase in Muscle Protein Synthesis Spikes Insulin and Replenishes Glycogen+ Cells-Volumizing Multi-Phase Creatine Transport Dietary Supplement Naturally & Artificially Flavored Informed-Choice Trusted by SportThe Ultimate Post-Workout Muscle Growth AcceleratorDon’t waste another workout! If you want to start gaining serious size after you workout, chug down some Dark Matter to experience the biggest opportunity to stimulate muscle growth. The faster you can get critical nutrients into your bloodstream and muscles, the better. Dark Matter employs advanced technologies and compounds that allow for super fast nutrient uptake and sparks a synergistic anabolic reaction in which insulin levels simultaneously peak with amino acids, carbohydrate, and creatine transport to trigger enhanced muscle growth and speed recovery. +ProSynthagen: Increases Synthesis Faster Than WheyProSynthagen’s unique combination of clinically tested essential free form amino acids plus amino acid peptides stimulates protein synthesis faster than just whey isolate. ProSynthagen’s amino acid matrix has been clinically shown to increase protein synthesis by 360% and is fine tuned with “Dual Portal Transport” for even faster and greater intestinal uptake by combining powerful free form aminos with leucine peptides. These unique characteristics give ProSynthagen a much higher protein synthesis score which provide optimal muscle building effects.WaxiMAX: Low Viscosity High Molecular Weight Carbs Replenish Glycogen & Spike Insulin +WaxiMax is a tri-polymer carbohydrate matrix composed of low viscosity waxy maize starch, Maltoplex – 18 glucose polymers, plus dextrose. This matrix allow for faster gastric emptying, a quick, powerful insulin spike and maximum glycogen replenishment.+ WaxiMAX’s tri-polymer matric was developed using low sugar levels that deliver an optimum insulin response to open the anabolic window faster and keep it open longer.+ Dark Matter also contains a concentrated source of anthocyanidins from black rice extract, which helps optimize glucose absorption for increased nutrient transport, protein synthesis, creatine/nutrient uptake and glycogen replenishment.+HydroSize: Five Gram Mutli-Phase Creatine Transport & Cell Volumizing MatrixTo complete the anabolic infusion, HydroSize, a multi-source creatine and glycerol complex, enhances muscle volumizing and bioenergetic creatine loading into muscle tissue. This complex provides an optimal five gram creatine blend including creatine monohydrate, creatine pyruvate and creatine gluconate, plus glycerol for maximum creatine saturation and cell volumizing.Every Workout Ends with Dark Matter!Get the most out of your workouts with Dark Matter. The highly advanced post-workout formula from MHP, designed to refuel your body for increased muscle building and faster recovery.+Within the normal range.
Mix 2 scoops with 10 fl. oz. of water in a shaker bottle immediately after training. Any other post-workout shake or meal may be taken 1 hour later.
ゼラチンクエン酸、リンゴ酸、天然および人工香料、ヒマワリレシチン、シリカ、アセスルファムカリウム、スクラロース、fd&c blue#lake、およびfd&c red#40 lake。
Keep out of reach of children.Do not purchase if seal is broken.Protect from heat, light and moisture.Store in a cool dry place.
補足の事実 サービングのサイズ: 2スクープ(78 g) 容器ごとのサービング: 20 1回あたりの量 デイリーバリュー% カロリー 240 総炭水化物 48g 17%† 総糖 10g ‡ 10gが含まれています砂糖を追加しました 20%† タンパク質 12 g 24%† ナトリウム 95 mg 4% カリウム 20 mg 1%未満 ダークマター独自ブレンド究極のポストワークアウト筋肉成長促進剤 63.5 g ‡ WaxiMAX:低粘度高分子量浸透性ワックス状トウモロコシデンプン Maltoplex-18(マルトデキストリン)、加工食品でんぷん(ワキシーメイズ製)、ブドウ糖、 黒米種子抽出物(Oryza sativa)(アントシアニジン1.5%含有) ハイドロサイズ:多相クレアチン輸送と細胞体積化マトリックスクレアチンブレンド(5 g)[インスタピーク(Quick Peakクレアチン1水和物およびクレアチン) ピルビン酸、イントラフェース(グルコース結合クレアチングルコン酸)]、65%グリセロール粉末 プロシンタゲン:タンパク質合成促進剤(二重ポータル同化アミノ酸注入) 遊離形アミノ輸液(6 g EAAs)(L-リジンHCl、L-ロイシン、L-フェニルアラニン、 L-トレオニン、L-ヒスチジンHCl、L-バリン、L-イソロイシン、DL-メチオニン、L-アラニン)、 ホエイプロテイン&ペプチドインフュージョン (ホエイプロテインアイソレート、ロイシンペプチド( 加水分解ホエイプロテインアイソレート) †パーセントデイリーバリューは2000カロリーダイエットに基づいています。