Banned Substance Tested Informed-Choice Trusted by Sport USDA Organic Plant-Based Performance Gluten Free Non GMO Protein 20 g Prebiotic 160 mg Enzymes Full Spectrum Probiotic 5 Billion CFU Dietary Supplement Natural Flavors QuinoaTrim Certified Organic by International Certification Services, Inc. Results, Delivered NaturallyAll-Purpose Plant Based ProteinWe brought together a team of athletes, scientists and naturalists who believe that an authentic, results-focused supplement can also be clean, pure and nutritive. Wholesome ingredients for your mind, body and spirit that can help you run farther, climb higher, recover faster – become bolder and better. MusclePharm Organic Protein brings together a blend of raw, all-organic protein sourced from Pea Protein and QuinoaTrim – delivering all essential amino acids to support your daily nutrition and performance. This high-quality protein is free of gluten, GMOs and artificial ingredients, so you get results, delivered naturally.Each Serving Contains 20 g Organic Protein 5 Billion CFU Probiotics Gluten Free Essential Amino Acids No Artificial Ingredients No Added Sugar No GMOs No Soy or Dairy
Mix one serving (2 scoops) of MusclePharm Organic Protein with 8-12 fl. oz. of cold water. Vary the amount of water to achieve desired consistency and taste. Use in combination with whole food protein sources, a balanced diet, and exercise program.
This product is intended as a dietary supplement only. Do not use as a sole source of nutrition. Do not use this product if you are pregnant, expect to become pregnant or are nursing. Keep out of reach of children.Storage Conditions: Storage at room temperature. Exposure to heat, light or air can affect flavor or aroma. Therefore keep out of direct light or heat. Keep sealed when not in use.
補足事実 1回分のサイズ: 37.8g(2スクープ) コンテナあたりの摂取量: 15 サービングあたりの金額 %毎日の値* カロリー 160 脂肪からのカロリー 50 総脂質 6 g 9% ナトリウム 410mg 17% カリウム 30 mg <1% 総炭水化物 7 g 2% 食物繊維 1g 4% 糖 1g † タンパク質 20g カルシウム 79 mg 8% 鉄 5 mg 28% 完全な有機タンパク質ブレンド有機エンドウ豆タンパク質、有機キノアトライキノア 27g † ココナッツMCT&ファイバーブレンドオーガニックココナッツ、オーガニックオートミール 7.2g † プロバイオティック/プレバイオティクス/消化酵素ブレンド有機アカシア(Acacia Seyal)プレバイオティクス繊維(160mg) プロバイオティックブレンド(50億CFU‡) Lactobacillus acidophilus、Lactobacillus plantarum、Lactobacillus ラムノサス、ビフィドバクテリウム・ラクチス、ビフィドバクテリウム・ビフィダム 消化酵素ブレンドプロテアーゼ20,000 HUT、アミラーゼ1000 SKBU、 リパーゼ100FIP、セルラーゼ1,000CU 200 mg † * 2,000カロリー食に基づく一日あたりのパーセント値 †毎日の値が設定されていない ‡製造時