High Protein Energy Powder USDA Organic Organic Certified Non-GMO Allergen Free‡ Vegan Gluten Free Soy Free Organic Sunflower Protein Mixes Instantly – No Blender Required Yeast Free Certified Organic by Ecocert Ico Certified GMP Facility Free From All Major Allergens (In FALCPA) ‡Nutritional Support for Nerve & Muscle RecoveryWith a branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) content of nearly 20%, sunflower protein is the protein of choice for athletes, or anyone seeking improved lean body mass, strength, and overall well-being.Nature’s Plus Organic Sunflower Protein delivers the revitalizing protein you need to power your day and keep your body healthy! With its superior taste, this instant protein can be enjoyed for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or anytime you need an energy boost. This pure and natural protein comes straight from sunflower, allowing you to get all the natural benefits without any artificial additives. It also has the added benefit of being supercharged with protein-energy-liberating enzymes, making it easy for your body to absorb the protein it craves.Nature’s Plus Organic Sunflower Protein will make you feel fuller for longer and fits perfectly into your everyday dietary routine! Complete protein – delivers all essential amino acids Suitable for low-glycemic diets Vegan Supercharged with Protein-energy-liberating enzymes!‡Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act Major Allergens
Add one scoop (included) or Organic Sunflower Protein to 8 fl oz of organic skim milk or juice and mix (or shake) until smooth. For best results, milk or juice should be very cold.
Keep tightly closed in a cool, dry place. Keep out of reach of children.Notice: This product is sold by weight, not volume, therefore settling of contents may occur during shipping and handling.
成分表示 1回当たり摂取量: 1スクープ(37 g) 1製品あたりの使用回数: 15 サービングあたりの金額 %毎日の値* エネルギー(kcal) 130 脂肪からのエネルギー(kcal) 32 総脂質 3.5g 5% 飽和脂肪 0 g 0% 一不飽和脂肪 0.5g 多価不飽和脂肪 0 g コレステロール 0 mg 0% ナトリウム 0 mg 0% カリウム 0 mg 0% 総炭水化物 3g 1% 食物繊維 2g 8% シュガー 0 g タンパク質 16g 32% *パーセントの1日の値は2,000エネルギー(kcal)の食事に基づいています。
あなたの毎日の値は、あなたのエネルギー(kcal)ニーズに応じてより高くても低くてもよい: エネルギー(kcal) 2,000 2,500 総脂質未満 65g 80g 飽和脂肪未満 20g 25g コレステロール未満 300 mg 300 mg ナトリウム未満 2,400 mg 2,400 mg カリウム 3,500 mg 3,500 mg 総炭水化物 300グラム 375 g 食物繊維 25g 30g タンパク質 50グラム 65g 1グラム当たりのエネルギー(kcal)脂肪9 – 炭水化物4 – タンパク質4 各サービングには以下も含まれます: タンパク質 – エネルギー – 遊離酵素ブレンド: セルラーゼ500CU ヘミセルラーゼ225 HCU キシラナーゼ500 XU ブロメライン225,000 PU パパイン200,000 PU 50 mg