商品説明 5 g Amino Acid Blend 1.5 g Weight Management Blend 130 mg Energy Blend Natural Flavors 30 Servings Dietary Supplement CarnoSyn – Carnosine SynthesizerAminoLean: The ScienceAminoLean helps give you the energy and nutritional value you need to build muscle and burn fat. You can take AminoLean any time on both training and non-training days for energy, weight management and muscle recovery. The comprehensive Amino Acid blend contains BCAAs and essential amino acids to help build and sustain lean muscle. The Natural Energy and Focus Blend contains ingredients from trusted sources such as green tea and Theobromine that boost energy and enhance mental focus.The end result is a great tasting, easy-to-mix, energy drink that you can take any time to help build muscle and burn fat. Use AminoLean Energy Formula to help take your daily performance to a new level and achieve a lean, muscular physique. Essential Amino Acids to support lean muscle recovery. BCAAs to help build lean muscle. Natural Caffeine from Green Tea extract to help increase energy and enhance focus. L-Carnitine can help reduce the effects of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. # of Servings # of Scoops Energy Intensity Amino Blend Weight Management Blend Energy Blend 1 2 Low 5 g 1.5 g 130 mg 2 4 Medium 10 g 3 g 260 mg 3 6 High 15 g 4.5 g 390 mg ご使用の目安 Mix two scoops of AminoLean in 8-10 fl oz of cold water. For best results use in conjunction with a reduced calorie diet and exercise program.Recommended Use: Take 2 scoops anytime throughout the day. Recommended to take a lower dosage in the evenings and higher dosage in the morning and on training days.****Do not exceed more than 8 scoops in any 24 hour period. Do not exceed 6 scoops in any 4 hour period. Use on both training and non-training days. Make sure to test your caffeine tolerance before taking the maximum dosage. 成分その他 クエン酸、天然香料、二酸化ケイ素、スクラロース、ガム混合物(セルロースガム、キサンタンガム、カラギーナン)、リンゴ酸、アセスルファムカリウム、ケイ酸カルシウム、黄色#5、黄色#6。 フェニルケトン尿酸:フェニルアラニンを含みます。アスパルテームはありません。 警告 Consult your physician before using this product if you’re taking any medication or under a physicians care for a medical condition. Not for use by those under the age of 18, women that are pregnant, trying to get pregnant, or nursing, or those that are sensitive to caffeine and beta alanine. Do not consume caffeine from other sources while taking this product as too much caffeine may cause nervousness, irritability, sleeplessness, and occasionally, rapid heart beat.Store at room temperature.If you have any health conditions, are pregnant, breast feeding or taking medication, ask a physician before us. Keep out of reach of small children.This product contains a chemical known to the State of California to cause birth defects, or other reproductive harm. Discontinue use two weeks prior to surgery. 免責事項 hfl8.comでは、製品情報や画像は最新のものを提供するように努めてはおりますが、メーカーでの急な変更の際に、サイトの更新に間に合わない場合があります。そのため、違うパッケージの商品が送られる場合がございますのでご了承下さい。当店の商品の新鮮さは保証致します。hfl8.comのサイト上に提示されている情報よりも、実際の商品にあるラベル、警告、使用方法を優先させてください。 メーカーのウェブサイトをご覧ください 補足の事実 サービングのサイズ: 2スクープ(8.2 g) 容器ごとのサービング: 30 1回あたりの量 %DV * アミノ酸ブレンド L-タウリン、ベータアラニン(CarnoSyn)、L-アルギニン、L-シトルリン、L-グルタミン、L-イソロイシン、L-ロイシン、L-チロシン、L-バリン、L-ヒスチジン、L-リジン塩酸塩、L-フェニルアラニン、L-スレオニン、L-メチオニン 5,000 mg ** 体重管理ブレンド共役リノール酸粉末、L-カルニチン、L-酒石酸、緑茶抽出物(豆)、緑茶抽出物(ツバキSinensis)(葉)(50%EGCG用に標準化) 1,500 mg ** 自然エネルギーとフォーカスブレンド *** カフェイン(緑茶(Camellia Sinensis)(葉)、テオブロミン) 130 mg ** **デイリーバリュー(DV)が設定されていません。 ***すべての源からの総カフェインは一食当たり125 mgに相当します。