Traditional Medicinals, オーガニック母乳、シャタバリカルダモン、カフェインフリー、ティーバッグ16包、各1.8 g



商品説明 Since 1974 Created by Herbalists Promotes Healthy Lactation Naturally Caffeine Free Herbal Tea Herbal Supplement Non-GMO Project Verified USDA Organic Certified by the California Organic Farmers (CCOF) Kosher Certified B CorporationOrganic Mother’s MilkPersonality – Supportive, empowering and reassuring.Herbal Powder – Traditional Ayurvedic herbs used to help nursing mothers with breast milk production.Reason to Love – While your bundle of joy is probably causing you no end of delight, moms can also feel overwhelmed and tired, especially when it comes to breastfeeding. Our herbalists tapped into traditional herbs like shatavari and cardamon to help new moms with breast milk production and healthy lactation. Delicious and beneficial, this tea shares a wisdom that’s been passed down to nursing moms for generations. Ayurvedic practitioners recommend adding your milk of choice while brewing to help extract shatavari’s beneficial compounds. (And don’t be surprised by the tea’s pale color; this blend is an herbal powerful!)Taste – Pleasantly sweet and slightly spicy. Herbalists have long celebrated the combination of shatavari and cardamon to support breast milk production and promote healthy lactation. Some of our favorite shatavari grows in the forested area of Rajasthan, India, one of its native sources. This long-stemmed plant hails from the asparagus family and sends out horizontal, underground stems-or rhizomes-that we use for this tea. ご使用の目安 Pour 8 oz freshly boiled water over 1 tea bag. Cover cup & steep for 10 minutes. Squeeze tea bag to ensure maximum goodness in your cup. Enjoy 3-5 cups daily. Good with honey! 成分その他 All ingredients certified organic. 警告 本製品は、授乳中の方が使用するものです。



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補足事実 サービングのサイズ:1カップ醸造お茶 コンテナ当たりのサービング数: 16 サービングあたりの金額 %DV カロリー 0 全てのハーブ成分: 有機シャタバリの根[API] ** 1008 mg † 独自のブレンド: 792 mg 有機カルダモン種子 † 有機マシュマロの葉 † †デイリーバリュー(DV)は確立されていません。



重さ 0.11 kg


